The interaction of economics, politics and capital markets

Macro Economics research
The core of Walbrook Economics is macro-economic research and forecasting with a focus on fiscal and monetary policy, trade and consumer behaviour. The UK is our principle focus but our research covers key European and US themes. As political decision has become ever more important in the economic sphere we specialise in analysing the implications of global political and monetary decisions applied to the economic sphere.
Our clients receive regular ‘thought pieces’ on topical macro-economic themes however in addition we provide tailor made solutions and research papers on topics as requested.
Capital Markets Focus
Our economic forecasts are tailored to the investment process. Our approach is to examine long term economic trends to apply themes to capital market investment. Our background is in UK equity markets but our research is applicable to developed markets. We publish a quarterly income monitor looking at dividend themes to investors. We also provide extensive sovereign bond market analysis and have written extensively on the consequences of QE and central bank activism.
UK Consumer Research
Our Walbrook Economics Household Spending Model has been running since 2008 and models UK discretionary consumer expenditure. It has an outstanding long term record at predicting trends in spending patterns and is used by professional investors and corporate clients in the decision making process.
Political Consultancy
We are well connected with Westminster and can act as a bridge in navigating thedifferent worlds of the Square Mile and Government. These two interests often are poorly connected. In a world where political outcome is increasingly important
understanding both centres is critical. We believe we can help in this sphere.
A full biography is available on request but some of the major lectures/ papers published are outlined below.
Adam Smith Lecture – Pembroke College Cambridge 2018
William Pitt Lecture – Pembroke College Cambridge 2012
Published Magna Carta Today – its principles and relevance in the 21 st century
Centre of Policy Studies – Masking the symptoms a critique of Quantitate Easing
Policy paper - designing alternatives to stamp duty
Institute of Economic Affairs - regular lecturer
Global Britain – papers on trade and economic relationship with the EU
Daily Telegraph and CityAM – published articles
Social Mission
Walbrook Economics is a commercial business but it takes its social responsibility and mission to inform seriously. We regularly take part in schools and university discussions on economics and we welcome suggestions. Please contact us at contact@walbrookeconomics.co.uk